
l Signal to noise ratio tests
l Spectral tests performed with the Gas Handling System
n Measurement of the instrumental line shape (ILS) function
n Measurement of the spectral resolution
n Measurement of the spectral uncertainty
n Measurement of the spectral stability
l Field of view mapping
l Non-linearity characterization
l Modulation efficiency measurements.
l A collimating telescope
l An interface for the gas cell of the Gas Handling System
l An aperture wheel with openings of various sizes
l Filter holders on the aperture wheel
l A chopper wheel and its controller
l Two micrometric translation stages to move the aperture wheel vertically and horizontally across the beam
l A housing that can be purged with dry nitrogen
平行光管技术指标 (以ACE项目为例) |
技术参数 |
技术指标 |
尺寸 |
115cm×90cm×76cm |
最大30mrad,有两个可替换的望远镜 |
焦距 |
FOV约1.25mrad:160cm |
移动分辨率 |
10um |
输入孔径直径 |
38mm |
输出孔径直径 |
达到10cm |
孔径 |
针孔,直径分别为50,26,15,8,4mm,对比实验 |
移动范围 |
2.5cm |
窗口材料 |
ZnSe |
输入电压 |
110-120V AC |
窗口大小 |
直径:10cm |